So we gotta start somewhere. Let's start at the beginning...
I've been a graphic designer since graduating college in 2005. A few years later, add photographer to that resume. Along the way I found me a man, settled into a new town, and birthed a couple of babes. And most recently, we embarked on an amazing adventure of being the proud parents of another little one, but this time more of a time commitment was needed between the diapering, the princess in training three year old, and the thinks-he's-a-man-5-year-old. This family...they're my life. And I realized it's time to let the dust settle on my suddenly and without warning broken camera and let the passion for photography wither as other passions grew within me. I've always loved graphic design, so now it's time to refocus the creative spirit into designing from home while raising my three littles.
And so Chloe Girl Designs was born.
Well, not quite. There's a bit missing from that story. You have two options: you can enter our lives a bit deeper by reading about the rest of the story here, or just follow along with the knowledge that many if not most of these designs were birthed by a NICU bedside, after coding events, during blood transfusions, along a beaten path from hospital room to temporary home. To say it quickly-there's life behind these designs, not just ink on a page. Even if they're one dimensional designs, each design is truly four dimensional, with emotions, tears {of both fears and joys}, inspired by friendships, because of amazing moments. My hope is that you'll see the life behind each design.
The idea for the blog is to follow along with some of the designs posted and learn the stories behind them. It's also about sharing other ideas for home decorating, design, style, organization, and so on.
Many have asked me lately how the designs on the Etsy page work. After viewing the designs, make your selection and purchase for immediate download. Once your payment has gone through using PayPal, then your instant download file will be ready. Unless it's a font file, they are all jpg files. This file {or multiple files in some cases} will be downloaded to your computer. Find this file, open, and select print if you're printing to your personal printer. Or, save the file to a jump drive/USB key, or SD card and take to your local printer and have printed. Or (yep, another option!), just visit your favorite online printer {like Shutterfly, mpix, or others}, upload, select size (most files can be printed up to 8x10 or 11x14), and await the arrival of your new print in the mail. Again, many have asked how these files sold on Etsy work, so hopefully this post will help!!
Here's what it's like if you're doing it from home on your computer and own printer...
From purchased print...
To home!
Now go check out Chloe Girl Designs on Etsy!! Search for chloegirl designs (that first word is one word) or click on the link at the beginning of this post. Hopefully you'll find something inspiring and perfect to put in your own home. And check back on the blog for freebies, stories behind the prints, and more!
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