Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome!! ...{and a bit about us}...

Welcome!! Come on in, get comfy, and take a look around. 

The idea behind this blog is simple: Share designs. Share ideas. Inspire one another. Encourage and refresh one another. And help refresh each other's homes! The idea is also for this blog to go along with the Etsy shop for Chloe Girl Designs.

The idea was born from my love for all things design, color, creative, organizational, and home. From time to time you'll find posts about designs I've created and the back story that goes with them and links to Etsy to purchase the design. You'll find freebies. You'll find ideas in the making. You'll find creative things I've done around the home {best part-I'm frugal! All ideas are either free or nearly there!}. You'll find random links to things I love and Pins I adore. And hopefully, from time to time, I'll get some of my friends to write guest posts on some of their ideas as well {except that they don't know about this part yet, which makes it more fun!}. My friends and I have been known to rearrange each other's rooms in our heads, take pics of fancy candy displays at coffee shops to draw inspiration for our own kitchens, and walk around each other's homes stealing decorating ideas. 

At the heart of this blog is the idea that home is truly where the heart is. It's where we're surrounded by our precious family. It's where we show our truest emotions. It's where we unwind. It's there for when we need to curl up in that comfy chair by twinkly lights and journal. It's where we tuck our kiddos into cozy quilts and turn on lanterns to shine a light in the darkness. It's where we live, so it should be important that it's a comfortable living space, whether you own or rent, whether you live alone or with many, I believe it's important to make that space your own, and not break the budget while doing so. 

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